Meet Charlie
Charlie, a former show horse, has unique facial markings that include a set of black eyelashes on one side, and white on the other!
Recognize this beautiful boy?
This is Charlie, the horse featured in our logo!
Charlie is a former show horse who likes to show off some fancy footwork from time to time.
He doesn’t reside at Hay Creek Ranch, but on his first trip out here, he was pretty unsure about all those creeks. All that water was pretty scary!
He tried to use his fancy feet to back up away from the creeks when it was time to cross them. But eventually he faced his fears and crossed without too much fuss after some help from Willie.
Today we are celebrating Charlie facing his fears with a fun coloring page. Download and print it here.
And if you want in on more fun freebies like this coloring page, just sign up for emails from Hay Creek Ranch.